Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Beginning!

This is the very beginning of the blogger world for me!  I decided to blog so that I can keep better track of what's going on in our family. I just can't keep up with all the scrap booking that needs to be done with four kids!  Don't get me wrong I'm still going to scrapbook but this will be much easier for the present time:)  I would also like to print my blog out every year.  So here we are!
We have pretty much settled into our new house in Rancho Cucamonga.  I still have lots of pictures to hang up and a few more scrap booking boxes to unpack but, besides that we're good!  We absolutely love the area we live in! We have lots of parks, trees, walking paths, and a nice long bike/running trail. Oh yeah, the unlimited selection of stores. I'm not much of a big shopper but, it is very nice to have a great selection to chose from. I remember the first few weeks that I busted out my coupons I had such a hard time deciding which stores to shop from. I couldn't possible go to all of them. I now just shop at the store that has the best adds combined with my coupons. Which leads me to going to several different stores each week! I just can't contain my self.....even though I don't love to shop! I just like getting good deals and saving money.  I failed to mention how great the schools are here. At Elias school they let the parents walk their kids to their classes or to the playground to watch them play. Elias just joined the Walk Across America group. They meet Thursdays and Friday on the black top and walk for 15min before school starts. The kids each get a little card and every time they go around the black top the girls put a tally on their card. He was so excited to be part of this program.  Kylie and Alexis have a great school too. Their schools API score is in the 900. The kids do pay for that score though....Kylie and Alexis have sooo much homework everyday! Kylie most of all.  I don't like them having this much homework. Kylie hardly ever has free time and she's still a kid. Aren't kids suppose to have time to play??!! Time to release the stress of a day at school? I don't think the high score is worth taking away a child's opportunity to just be a kid! We are only young once.  One of the things I love about Day Creek is the electives they offer to the student's. Kylie is taking a Genealogy class right now and Alexis is taking sewing. Every six weeks they change to something new.  How fun right?!  My most favorite part of being out here is Christians commute. It has definitely been cut in half. On a normal day he gets home at 4:30! That's 4:30 I said....Did you hear that?!  Unfortunately it's the very end of the job and Christian has been forced to work 11hour shifts 7 days a week. The job was suppose to be done a month ago I guess and his company is getting charged a lot of money each day the job is not complete.  I'm not complaining! I'm just grateful that he has a job and we are truly enjoying the extra money for the mean time.  If we were living in San Jacinto, I don't think we would ever see Christian at this time. So being here that much closer to his work is a blessing even though he doesn't get home until 8:30 or 9 everyday of the week!  =)Still Smiling! 
In our new ward all the members have been so friendly and welcoming. I do greatly miss San Jacinto ward! I miss feeling at home. I miss knowing what's going on with what ever is happening at church. I miss ALL my friends there. I miss my visiting teachers & home teachers! I also miss my fabulous neighbors. Living in the same area for 13 years would surly be something to miss!  I guess I'm surrounded by a shell. I have a hard time letting people into my life and feeling comfortable around them. I'm just craving to have my shell cracked. I know that it's going to take time because that's just how I am! Those of you who know me, know what I'm talking about! Hahahaha. I have met a lot of nice people out here that are reaching out to me and I'm trying just serve as much as I can. Therefore, I am starting to feel more comfortable now! 


  1. Congrats on starting the blog!! Everyone here misses you guys too! I can't believe Christian is working that many hours, good thing you moved when you did or he probably wouldn't even be able to come home at night!!! Can't wait to read more, keep us informed!! Love ya <3

  2. I've been checking every once in a while to see if you posted anything--glad to see you did! I'm glad you are liking the ward, too. Good luck with all the homework! --Kera

  3. Yea for blogging so we can all stay connected!!! So cool that you are settleing in. I miss San Jacinto ward too. :(
