Monday, September 26, 2011

Daniel and Dana's Wedding

Our family was very blessed to be able to attend Daniels wedding in Utah. Everyone from Christians family was there except Ramon, Devon and Gavin. It was a lot of fun to get all of us together again and it meant a lot to my kids to see Daniel get married to such a wonderful and beautiful bride! It makes my heart happy and proud of Daniel.  I remember the days when we would get together every Sunday at the Nuevo house. Watching Christian play video games with all his little brothers. Ramon, the times he was there, helping Helen in the kitchen and  talking crap to his little brothers! Sorry Ramon! Byron, always fixing Helen's computer or reading a book. Arianne, asleep in her room! Sean, telling us about his latest adventures on the skate board and what happened the night before in story form!!!  Daniel, getting REALLY mad when he lost the video game. David, mostly playing video games with Christian. Sebastian, with  his stories of Vietnam and bouncing the soccer ball on his knees for hours it seamed. Helen, spending the whole day in the kitchen cooking and telling the boys to set the table, feed the dogs etc, etc....all the things a mother of eight deserves to be demanding! Pato, watching TV in his bed and demanding someone to bring him water. My girls still tell me how they miss these days! Believe it or not, I do too! Even though EVERY time we get together it's chaos and there's never any place comfortable to sit, someone is always arguing with the person next to them, there's just something special there with all of us together. A connection that we all share called FAMILY. I feel so blessed to be a part of Christian's family. I have grown to love each and everyone of his six brother, one sister, Helen and even Pato. They are all unique and special to me. I love them all very much!!!

Daniel and Dana Hadad

They are #1's

David and Vivi.....soon to both be Hadads!

Una, Arianne and Seilah Hadad

Tia Ruth and Tio Randy

Sean and Annie Hadad

Sebastian Hadad and girlfriend Haylee. Sorry Sabo this is the only picture I have with you!

This is the best picture out of like 15!

Our whole family except Ramon, Devon, Gavin and Pato

Sammy danced with Seilah for almost a full hour! He pulled her off one time and told her that he wanted to rest. One second later she was pulling him back out to the dance floor. Sammys response, "Okay fine!!!"  Very, very funny, guess you had to be there!

Daniel forcing Kylie to dance with him. For some reason she was totally embarrassed.

How sweet. Dana and Daniel's #1 dancing together.


  1. What a fun trip! Fun to see pics of Christian's family. I love the one of Sammy dancing! That is too cute. Yesterday, Blake randomly said, I really wish I could play with Elias again. It was so cute.

  2. Umm hello our last name is Taufa not Hadad!! lol! But I guess I'll forgive you just this one time!!

  3. Wishing you a blissful life ahead. Still remember the floral carnival attended by me and my friend last year. Got tickets for one of the lavish Chicago venues for the event. Was amazed seeing the huge quality and colorful flowers of soothing fragrances. Best show ever seen!
